Wednesday, July 27, 2011


A BRICK training session is basically a bike then a run.... the run immediately following the bike. Do NOT PASS GO! DO NOT COLLECT $200! For the triathlete, this training is very important, as we not only have to be proficient in three different sports, we need to be able to go from one event right into the next, with minimal time in the transition.....

So today's brick-- a 45 min bike, and then a 15 min run.... both of which were performed at the Quincy YMCA.... I did an indoor bike ride, drama today.... it was just easier, and I think the new indoor mountain bikes that are like a video game were more challenging, b/c of the video game thing.... (essentially it is a screen where you are riding, and it shows you the racer, and the course, and the other racers.... blah, blah, blah...)While I would use this bike again, I didn't understand the gears, and shifting and I just want to ride, not worry about other racers, and where I am on the map and am I turning or this or that..... drama... for a training session. ugh!

And then after that..... I was wished a good night by the desk person (not leaving, just going to run).... I went to the track that surrounds the field behind the ymca.... and ran.

OUCH! It was simply put... one of the hardest things I have done in a while (haven't done a brick workout since last summer).... and it was incredibly challenging to find my legs tonight. I looked at the 15 minutes as 3 x 5 minute tempos... and well, that in itself was excruciating!!!

But I overcame.....
and then joined my class in the water, for deep water running.... although they did more running than myself. I was using this as an opportunity to enhance recovery. I have pictures of the cheery group that I will have to post tomorrow.... for now, it's bed time, and tomorrow morning at 6 am spin class (i am teaching) and from there, my 1400 yard swim.


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