Thursday, December 29, 2016

Eat Clean, Move More

This was in the corner of my journal page this morning.  A Journal called 'Fit Happens', which provides a motivational quote and personal reflection --- about eating, gratitude, movement, and inspiration.   Wellness is more than the number on the scale. 
This was perfect for today as I have been indulging and enjoying Christmas treats.   Craving some broccoli? 
The gentle reminder to Eat Clean, and Move More.  There is no magic pill, powder or juice.   It is good old fashioned, common sense. In this, the reminder to keep it simple.  
 A reminder of the KISS principle (keep it simple, Sam).  To enjoy the moments, and not get caught up in the complex drama.  
And my journey continues.   I am grateful for the reminders along the way.   And look forward to enjoying the scenery.  As I reflect on 2016, while preparing for 2017, I am thrilled to be pursuing my dreams.   I am taking care of me and enjoying the journey. 

Monday, December 19, 2016


I have forgotten how wonderful I feel after starting my day with a cup of hot-Lemon water and a grapefruit. 
I feel satisfied, light and ready to take on just about anything.   
The grapefruit has so many health benefits and has been used by many in various weight loss programs.  
ME?  I just like the way it tastes and smells.   There have been times, I have bought a grapefruit so I can smell it in the morning.  And when you can buy a BIG BAG for $6, it makes it better.   
For me, this is a great way to start my day!   

Friday, December 9, 2016

Feeling Thankful

This morning brought some cold weather.  So cold that Rice delayed the opening of the pool until 9am.   So cold that my apartment feels chilly in spite of my new heater on full blast (well, not quite).   I am definitely thankful for warm blankets.  
My calendar photo this morning is thesis wonderful view from the Grenadines.   
Warmer days are coming.   And so is a 3-mile run.  

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Hot Lemon Water.....

Hot Lemon Water.   Boil water, slice a lemon, add to water.....VOILA! 
I enjoy this cup of warmth as I am reading and preparing for the day.   It helps me feel awake, alive and ready to tackle the day.  There are many health benefits to Lemon Water, but for now, I am just enjoying the quiet time every morning.  

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Beginning at the Beginning......... AGAIN?

Sigh...........   I find myself in a position of needing to begin at the beginning again.   Despite (or because of) changes in geography, I find myself having gained back the weight I lost and the yo-yo continuum is ever present in my life.     With that said, I am not a helpless victim.   I am willing to accept results of my choices and move forward, step onward to bigger and better things.    I could wait until January and begin a new resolution, but I am seizing the day!  And stepping forward NOW into greatness.     I am beginning with the first 100 days, which will bring me into March and present time for a reevaluation and reassessment, refining any changes in the direction or course I am following.      And so today, it begins.......    I am not pursuing a quick fix diet or eating habit changes, like Paléo or Whole30, as I have learned these do not work for me long term.   I lean toward a gluten-free lifestyle normally, due to allergies and food sensitivities.   But I want to learn from my past experiences instead of repeating those and learn more about the dynamic relationship with me and food.    To better track my eating and activity levels, I will be using my fitness pal.   And when I am confident and comfortable with my choices, I will step away.    My first goal is the Galveston Half Marathon on 12 February, with a 10K in January to ensure training.   The temperatures are cooler now in Houston, so I will be able to embrace the run.   The swim segment might be a bigger challenge with the outdoor pool.  But that is a different issue.     What will you accomplish in the next 100 days?   Care to join me?  

Thursday, November 24, 2016

Turkey Trot -- race report

This morning I participated in the TXU Energy Turkey Trot.   I have never written a true race report, while I have reflected on race day and learned from it.   This too cannot be considered a true race report, but a mere reflection of the events.     
I picked up my race bib.   I learned this morning that they expected 50,000 people there combined in the 10K, 5K amd kids race.    There were a lot of people there! 
When my race began, with an 8am start, it took me 10minutes to get to the starting line and actually enter the race.   I began with an easy jog to work through the crowd.  That lasted barely a half-mile, because the number of people on the route was just overwhelming.   I found myself walking and jogging and walking some more.  And finally, I made it to mile 2.
And shortly thereafter, I crossed the finish line.   
Today's 5K portion of the Trot was geared to family's and groups of friends to walk and laugh and enjoy the journey.   It was too crowded for someone to truly run the race and set a 5K PR, unless the runner made it to the front prior to the start.   The 10K seemed to be more a competitive choice.    I enjoyed this run/walk-- I ran a little, walked a little, ran a little more -- and sprinted across the finish line passing a dozen or more people on the way.  (Yes, I am always competitive).   I enjoyed seeing families and friends sharing the joy of the morning.    Overall, it was a good morning.  

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Ow, ow, ow!

OWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!      You know that achy feeling you get when you challenged yourself to push a little further, move a little faster, lift a little more?  Or just plain get-up and GO!    I have been struggling.........      -with training -with being active -with the desire to move.   It is that time of year that it gets so DARK before 8pm, and it is cold (well, kinda..... weather in Texas is different than New England), and I feel bored.       So yesterday, I decided to run and bike.   And today...... my body is saying thank you very much!    And it feels good to have that OW! OW! OW! Feeling again.      My legs are thanking me!  

Monday, October 24, 2016

Taking it a step further

In September, I announced I was eating gluten-free in support of my friend. And this, has been a good thing. For the most part, I have eliminated the gluten and as a result the junk. I have noticed that I don't crave junk, and I don't feel good when I it is introduced in my system. I have also discovered sensitivities to other foods.

As a result, I have decided to take this process a step further for my health and am following a Whole-30 protocol. I am doing this to allow my body 30-days to cleanse and recover. I will then be adding some foods back to my eating regimen to see how I react and respond.

Essentially, it is gluten-free, but also eliminates different foods that can trigger reactions. As I have gotten older, I am more aware of foods that make me feel yucky. This is a process and a journey. And I am looking forward to feeling better.

This may be tricky as I am approaching a half-marathon race. But I am going to flow and learn from the process.

Today, is Day One. The journey is 30-days.


What can you accomplish is the next 30-days?


Thursday, September 15, 2016


Have you ever noticed the 'thing' you have chosen to cut out of your diet, regardless of what is it is.....

Is the ONLY thing you see when shopping?

And so, was my trip to Target this afternoon to get some Almond Creamer for my coffee.

In support of my friend, I am eating gluten-free, as she adjusts to her new eating scheme. For me: this means fruits, vegetables, meats, nuts and seeds, and some dairy. For her: it means eliminating allergens that have negatively affected her life.

And somehow..... All the gluten in the store knew I was there on a mission, promptly placing itself front and center, looming off the shelves like zombies in a horror flick. And somehow, I managed to depart unscathed.

Almond Milk Creamer,

Salad greens,


And a cool Halloween plate.


Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Eating Gluten Free

I have gluten sensitivities, and when I eat too much craziness takes over my body and it is not pretty. It is not as ugly as some of my friends, but I do feel a bloat and an extra heaviness when I consume too much. Sometimes, my ankles will swell. Never fun.

My friend Verena has a different tale to tell. She has some very serious food allergies that have seized her body, and she has ended up in the ER...... Several times. And as a result, she has sought help and direction of specialists. Earlier this week, she announced that the allergy tests were conclusive and she needed to cut the gluten out. LOTS of fruits, vegetables and meats are on the menu.

In her excitement of finally discovering what is triggering her reactions, some nay-Sayers in the guise of support were apologizing because she needs to make a life-style change. I was cheering for her, cheering because she finally has some answers. And am thrilled about her attitude in this. It will be an adjustment for her, because of her current eating choices and habits which surround her work as a paramedic, but I am confident that she can do this!

V, you got this!!!

And in support...... I am eating gluten-free. Not because I am a phobic, or am seeking to lose weight fast, or any other reason than in support of a friend. Hopefully, my long-distance support can assist her in her quest to be healthier and care for her body will help her in this journey.


To start: this morning (after opening the pool),

I ate scrambled eggs with spinach and slivered almonds.

I feel satisfied, and ready to conquer the rest of the day.

I am thrilled for my friend. And I am thrilled to be able to motivate and support her in this.


Sunday, September 11, 2016

The Last Meal

The Last Meal..........

You know, the one you eat before you commence a diet....... Especially an elimination diet.


And today, I have been thinking about my 'LAST MEAL'....... Which traditionally includes a trip to the diner for a burger and fries and a shake of some sort. And this time...... I took a moment and said, I really want the fish nuggets I bought from Trader Joes.

Instead of a LAST MEAL that will make me feel worse, or guilty because I had it, I am pre-heating the oven for fish and Brussels sprouts.


I decided that this time around I am going to enjoy food. I am going to embrace the things I eat. And I am going to enjoy eating these without guilt, regardless of what these may be.


As you may know, I gifted myself a six-pack for my 50th birthday. Next year, I turn 50.

A six-pack...... Not because I am pursuing a thinness, but instead a personal feeling. When I felt great about myself, pictures that were taken of me, my athletic ability and not feeling like I need to hide from the camera, in my clothes, or from the image I have painted on my brain.

This pursuit is in health. This pursuit is to lose the extra weight I have been desiring to lose, and to enjoy the journey and embrace me. This pursuit is for me and about me.

And tonight..... There is NO Last Meal.

Tonight, I am enjoying what I am eating as I regain conscientious eating habits and enjoy living and eating.


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Loop around the Golf Course

I want to thank my friend, Amy, for dragging me out the other night to walk and run and motivate with her. I would not have been ambitious enough to travel 1.5miles from home (sarc) to explore Herman Park. Well, that is not entirely true. I have been to the zoo, and have parked there to avoid parking fees when visiting the medical center. I hate parking fees.

As a result, I found a park that can provide a safe haven in which to run, providing an alternatative to running on the bayou, Memorial Park or even running in my neighborhood.

The loop is about 2-miles and so I ran it twice. I noticed there is a fitness area in one segment, to perform fitness like activities with jungle gym equipment for grown-ups. I may have to explore that one day in the midst of my run.

This morning was cooler but humid as we have lingering storms that have not decided what they are going to do.


Yesterday, I finished April with a bang. I am thrilled to have achieved this in my quest to complete 2016miles by the end of 2016.

Keep running, one step at a time. I will #seeyouatthefinishline.


Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I do planks.

Sometimes in push-up position,

sometimes in the down phase of the push-up,

sometimes on my forearms,

I do planks.

I believe there are many other, more meaningful ways to train the 'core', and I use med balls, do sit-ups, and a variety of other movements to create flexion, extension and rotation in the spine. I do NOT rely on planks to provide the training I need to train my core. I do not believe it is the sole way to do it.

I do planks because I cycle.

On the bike, I need to be able to stabilize and support my body on the bike, using my upper body and core muscles to maintain a posture for the length of the ride.

That is why I do planks.




Sunday, April 17, 2016

Crossing another milestone


In my pursuit of 2016 in 2016, I crossed a milestone yesterday. I will divulge this is ALL my training mileage, and not solely running. I am accruing the miles logged from swimming, running, biking and rowing. I want to stay healthy, and this is the best way for me to do so.

Looking forward to crossing mile 700. Will you join me on my journey?


Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Yesterday, was insane. I am building and expanding upon an existing program in the world of triathlon, and pushing against barriers. And if you know me, you know I do not understand the word NO. There is always a way to make things happen. There has to be a way-- just listen to what I am asking instead of what YOU THINK I am saying.

And yesterday, I was essentially told to pound sand. My response...... Blah, blah, blah..... And probably immaturely vented in a not so appropriate place. I did not say anything destructive, and the feelings were reflected on me, in response to their actions. So, I dare say, I was safe for the most part.

And the big picture, I am frustrated because they are looking at details so finitely, they are missing the big picture. The picture I am trying to paint.

And this morning, my devotional was about Paul and the dynamics of the friendship of Onesiphorus. And the question was posed, are you a negative person or a refreshing person?

BAM! Thank you, God, for reminding me why I am here. Thank you for teaching me that while I am struggling, I need to be thankful. That it is not all about me. And my attitude influences many people.

I too need to stop focusing on the details, and look at the big picture. I too need to remember I am a servant.

Today's devotional:


You can easily spot a VDP, but rarely see one in the mirror. VDP stands for “Very Draining Person.” They exhibit repetitive negative, pessimistic, complaining, and “life sucking” behaviors. They criticize, complain, whine, make excuses and find faults. Their words are laced with destruction, and they spew their poison on anyone who dares to listen.

The opposite of a VDP is a VRP or “Very Refreshing People.” Large numbers of faith-filled, positive, right-living, energized Very Refreshing People are needed to combat the devastating effects of Very Draining People. They speak words of life into the ordinary and transform it. They re-fill your energy tanks – emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. They breathe encouragement, blessing, and hope into your soul and remind you that nothing is impossible with God.

In the Bible, Onesiphorus was a VRP. He brought hope and healing to Paul. In fact, his name actually means “to bring help or profit-bearing.” From Onesiphorus’ example in 2 Timothy 1:16-17, we learn three key characteristics of a VRP that we can apply as fathers and sons:

  1. Refreshment is Repeated.
    Paul writes, “he often refreshed me.” This was not a one and done refreshment, but Onesiphorus poured out encouragement time and time again. Refreshing needs to be regular and repeated.
  2. Refreshment is Risky.
    Paul says that Onesiphorus “was not ashamed of my chains.” He was willing to associate himself with Paul’s sufferings in prison. We need to step out of our comfort zone to refresh others! Refreshing others is often risky. Onesiphorus brought encouragement and hope.
  3. Refreshment is Relentless.
    Onesiphorus “searched hard” for Paul. He was relentless to find his friend and refused to stop until he “found him.” Onesiphorus did whatever it took to bring a big dose of refreshment to Paul. VRPs are persistent and tenacious.
The question is – RUAVRP? Are you a Very Refreshing Person? The challenge is not whether you have VRPs in your life, but are you one? Do you bring life to people? To your son? To your father?

Fathers need to set the standard for their sons. Your words can unlock God’s greatness in your son. You need to be committed to infusing life into him through your intentional words of nourishment. Let him feast off your encouragement. Become a VRP for each other because when you are refreshing, you are a blessing.

Take Action

  1. If we asked our friends or family members, which one would would they say we are? Why?
  2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being a refresher and 1 being a drainer), rank yourself. Rank each other.
  3. Do you see areas to refresh your son? Your father? Write those down and begin to breathe refreshment and blessing into each other’s lives.
Father, there is fresh power at the foot of the cross. I want to be a lifter—a refresher. Help me to be a Very Refreshing Person every day. Too often I get focused on myself and do not see the opportunities to bless others with words and actions. Thank You for loving me and refreshing me all the time.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

It's just a brick!


All in all it's just another brick in the wall. -- Pink Floyd


As the song lyrics go, another brick in the wall. And the other day, I completed my FIRST Unintentional Brick of 2016. Unintentional, because it was not supposed to happen that way. Intentional because I learned from it.

And while, I have done dozens of bricks in training, none are ever easy. (Don't believe them, if they tell you they are. They lie). Bricks are their own challenge. Bricks are and can be, simply put, UGLY!


For those of you who are not familiar with the Tri-world verbiage, a brick is the practice of two back-to-back disciplines of the race, generally the bike to the run. The purpose can vary, but mostly it is to teach the triathlete how to find the running legs. It can be very challenging to step off the bike, and head off into the run. And NEVER, EVER believe the first mile of a brick. It lies.



Depending on who is coaching you or whose philosophy you buy into, your brick may be of a variety of distances. Personally, my coach (and my philosophy on bricks) is similar to Mark Allen's--- the brick is to teach you to find your running legs. The run portion of the brick should be under 20minutes. Anything longer than that, and learning had gone out the window. So, all of my run segments of the brick are about coming off the bike, and establishing race pace for the run.


Except for Tuesday......... I found myself having to do a longer run after participating in a Indoor Cycling class. A class that was not part of the original training plan, a class I needed to take for a potential job.

And the run hurt!

It was almost an hour after the bike, so it was not a true brick, but workout number two HURT.


Did I mention that it hurt?


But I got it done.


Currently, my training strategy is to not have one. My big upcoming goals include Outerbanks Half Mary in November, and StCroix-70.3 next May. In that, I am taking time to play. I am swimming, biking, running and rowing, while working on strength. I am having fun. I am staying active. In a month or two, the focus will begin to shift looking at the upcoming races. My purpose is to re-lay a foundation and enjoy the journey. And in the midst of it, this is my accomplishment.




Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Indoor Cycling Class

In my quest to teach indoor cycling here in Houstin, I have been asked to participate in classes. I have never understood the correlation between taking a class and teaching a class, but OK.... I'll bite. And as a result, I have been utterly disappointed in the quality of classes here in Houston. I am shocked that participants think these classes are good, while I am counting down the minutes until we are finished.

Please understand, I am by no means the best instructor out there. In this, I am continually striving to learn more to be able to present better. I am networking and learning and trying new things, to make my classes better, to,provide the highest quality possible. And I honestly feel cheated when I am not provided the same quality I hope to deliver.

This morning, I participated in a class which could have been amazing. And yet, seemed lack luster. The instructor had good music for his purpose, BUT, he did not use a mike, so understanding his directions were at times challenging. He also was not clear in what we were hoping to achieve in class. Power, intensity, speed, what were we doing? And to what end?

And it seemed every song was more of the same choreography. Song one, song two, repeat. Pedal fast, increase tension, now repeat out of the saddle. Back in the saddle. Out of the saddle, let's do it again. And increase that tension, pedaling slowly, to the beat of the music, hovering (which we should not be doing anymore), and then for a five minute stretch just pedal as fast as you can.

Perhaps....... If he understood how to integrate power into the mix, the class would have been more meaningful. Or perhaps........ He was trying to accomplish that, but his vocabulary did not match his objectives.

But instead....... I found myself watching people bouncing in seats, hovering over saddles, and laying on handle bars. All things that are not effective in indoor cycling execution.

And somehow, they are able to determine if I can coach or teach a class by watching me participate.

Here's a thought: If you want to see how I teach, have me teach.


Seems pretty simple. But until then, I will continue doing my own thing, in your class.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Gels, goo, powders and STUFF

Supplements, protein powder, meal-replacement drinks........

Are they necessary?


That is a tricky question. One that I asked myself again this week as I was interviewed in an attempt to be recruited into yet another supplement company's MLM. (Well, they used a different name, but the bottom line is the person recruiting gets money for the work I do). And I listened the claims of how this is the best company, and if I had a product that was absolutely amazing would I not want to share it with my clients. And I politely declined, after being forthright and telling this person I am NOT a good candidate for the program.


Which leads me to two questions.


First: If I tell you outright I am not interested or am not a good candidate, why do you not believe me? Perhaps, your programming tells you this is the response you will get and how to circumvent it. Me: I get annoyed because it is clear you do not respect me as a person and my knowledge or ability to make a decision. If I am interested, I will say so. I am not. It is a reflection of me, not you.

I do not endorse one-product over another, because all of us are different. If I found the most amazing powder for me, it is just that, for me. It might make a client sick.

I further do not endorse or sell products because of the industry. As a coach, I am viewed through different lenses than others. I am not a registered dietician nor a nutritionist, but have studied quite a bit of nutrition out there. I am not comfortable selling a product to a client. They seek me out to be coached. We talk about food and if something beyond my scope arises, I have several qualified individuals to whom I can refer. I am not here to sell a fix; I am here to coach.

I also work with kids. The majority of my clients are children. Females. Society does enough damage to these young impressionable minds about body image, without me adding to the mix. We need to teach our kids to make better choices in terms of eating, developing a positive relationship with themselves, and in turn food, without convincing these that a pill, powder or gel is necessary.

And for me..... It is unethical. I will not push a product. I do not know 100% that your product is compliant with drug-testing protocols, for me or for my athletes. With all the scandals in sport, do I really want to add to the mix? I cannot in good faith recommend a supplement for an athlete.

But I can tell you that pineapple is a wonderful fruit, with enzymes that reduce inflammation which improves recovery, and it tastes good!

Second: why have all these supplement companies become predators and are leading coaches, personal trainers or anyone involved in the health, and fitness industry that the ONLY way to secure an income is by selling their product? They prey on the hopes and dreams and inadequacies that a qualified professional might experience while building a business.


My thoughts on supplements.

Yes, at times we all need to supplement our diet. Our diet should consist of balanced food groups. In my world, it is predominantly fruits and veggies, some fish, nuts and seeds, some grains and perhaps some other animal protein.

I do use whey protein from time to time, my favorite being ricotta cheese with walnuts and raspberries, put in the freezer for about 30minutes. Awesome mock ice cream treat!

I do take vitamins, including D3, C, E, B-complex and minerals like selenium and zinc, as well as fish oils.

But, I try to get the majority of my requirements from food.


Gels, powders and goo.

Yes, these can be useful in training and racing. (Experiment in practice how your body responds). My body does not do well with most of these concoctions. In this, I strive to get most of my fuel needs from food. I do not like the taste, consistency or how I feel from meal-replacement shakes. It is simpler for me, to eat real food.

Long training ride: peanut butter and jelly, celery and PB, Swedish fish.

Long run: Apple juice, Swedish fish, Payday bar, pretzels.

Swim: water and sometimes Rehydrate.


Otherwise, give me food.


The biggest notable ALL these companies say is that they use only all-natural products. They forget to tell you they grind these up (process them) to create a pill, shake or powder. They forget to tell you they are making processed foods. And while it may originate from all-natural products, the results are from processing.



Choose wisely. As for me..... Can I have some raspberries, please?


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Unexpected Delays!

What a week!

And it is only Tuesday.


This week started Sunday evening. I had ambitions of beginning new training protocols for iron 70.3 St Croix, 2017. And my body had different ideas.

I started shivering uncontrollably, and cranked the heat, curled up under a blanket.... Several blankets, and struggled all night. I drank water, moved slowly, crawled to the bathroom, and finally, I slept. The boys huddled close.

Monday, I stayed in bed until I felt somewhat human. And I went to teach two swim lessons at Rice. I walked there. I took it slow, felt great, until I tripped over my feet and an edge in the sidewalk and met the ground in a fall. Upon arriving home, I cranked the heat again, and curled up in bed.

And today...... Feeling slow, I managed to run some errands, walk to the library, and EAT! Real. Food.

I am starting to feel tired. And know I am on the path to recovery.

I hate being sick, or feeling less than stellar.

It not only takes my energy and spirit and really taxes my system and my training.


Tomorrow, I refocus and see what my body can do. A run? And perhaps, a swim.

And tomorrow, I begin to lay the foundation for St Croix 2017. My retirement race.


Sunday, March 13, 2016

I get by with a little help from my friends.....

In the spirit of love, my sister, has set up a gofundme account, to provide an opportunity for you to assist in the completion of my move.

In the catapult to Texas, I have encountered unforeseen expenses. I was prepared to move to The OBX. As a result, I have encountered some financial challenges.

I am working and networking to establish my business and training here in Houston. At times, I feel things are moving more slowly than I would like. But in it all, I believe God wants me here. I have risked a great deal moving to a city I have only been to twice, knowing no one, leaving behind friends and family.

And I am blessed.

So, if you are able and want to assist, I would be grateful.

Thank you in advance for your love and support.


Clock Confusion


As I post this on Daylight Savings time, the day we spring ahead, for reasons that make sense to someone, I jest at the thought of Clock Confusion. I recently was catapulted to Texas from the SouthCoast of Massachusetts, changing time zones in the process. The world had been starting an hour earlier for me up until mid-January.

Living with cats who do not understand time zone changes, and want to be fed, my normal patterns are really messed up. Nanuk has been waking me at 3:30am. In his defense, it would be the time we would be waking if we were still in MA. And the other boys join in the quest for me to feed them. I have learned it is simpler to wake and feed, so I can sleep. They settle after being fed. Unfortunately, I am not always able to fall back to sleep, end up reading, and then sleep until 7 or 8 am.

I am looking forward to regaining a pattern.

Perhaps, this will happen as I recommence my training which has tapered off due to nutritional restrictions, due to unforeseen financial restrictions.

I feel challenged.

But I will continue pressing forward.

I am determined,

more than ever to complete my Run the Year, 2016 this year, having completed 222.1miles so far.

I am determined to lose those last pesky-pounds. I have recently dropped 15.0.

I am determined to achieve my goal of doing one more ironman by the age of 50.

I am determined to continue to influence young-women to pursue their athletic goals.

Won't you join me? What are you determined to accomplish?

I want to hear from you about your goals and objectives. I want to hear your success stories, as I share mine.


Monday, March 7, 2016

Over the Top for PBJ.....


My relocate to Houston has presented some obstacles since my arrival.

Housing here is unique.

Work opportunities are great.

Mail is SLOWer than molasses.

And the check is in the mail.


In the midst of some of the chaos, I am learning to trust that God will provide. He has brought me here and will continue to take care of me. And in the midst of the chaos, I am amazed at all the angels in my life. The people who have helped me. People I would not expect. People who I can call family.

In the midst of the chaos, I am thrilled that I paid my rent, my boys are eating, etc... Etc... Etc.....

And yet, while I am thrilled that I have 10cents in my checking account and am not overdrawn, I have 10cents until pay day. And suddenly two weeks feels like a ginormous chasm to be crossed. And I my eating has suffered.

Yesterday, I was gifted the groceries pictured. Yesterday, I met another angel. I was moved to tears. I was amazed once again, where God is showing himself to me.

And when I got home, I made a PBJ sandwich old school. Lots of PB and jelly tucked inside. It was the most amazing tasting PBJ sandwich ever.

I am thankful to be blessed.


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Can I have my chair? Please.....


This afternoon, Leo placed himself in the only chair (literally) in the house. He is clearly watching Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribbean. Gotta' love Leo. He then placed himself in my lap, after I moved him so I could sit.

And some of you might be thinking that it is sweet that, I have a cat who watches TV, while others might be scratching your heads about how I have only one chair in my apartment.



2016 took off with a bang! I was catapulted to Houston after my plans and arrangements had fallen through to move to the OBX. I have been here four weeks, and my role as Youth Triathlon Coach is just starting to unfold. This week programming will begin. This week is the week I have been waiting for since I arrived in Houston.

Upon arrival in Houston, I was living in a hotel. Houston is not necessarily a friendly city when searching for housing. And of course, everyone has advice.

I was thrilled to find my apartment!


Unfortunately, while I was residing in the hotel and not working, I spent money I did not have. And the piggy bank is beyond empty!

And I am currently waiting to earn enough to have my stuff shipped to Houston from Virginia Beach.



I have had a few moments where I wanted to throw in the towel, a few where I cried and earned my award for the best drama queen, and many, many others where I am singing and dancing and thrilled at the opportunities I am being presented.

  • I am serving as an ambassador for Kids Triathlon, Inc.
  • I found a Master's Swim Group
  • I am teaching indoor cycling
  • I might be coaching field hockey this fall
  • I have been asked to start a youth Tri team, as well as a women's team.

And I am thrilled. I do not expect any of it to be bump or obstacle free, but I am truly excited to be here in Houston and the opportunities it brings.


And yes, I am still knocking off those miles, one at a time. Updates to come.



Sunday, January 3, 2016

Day Three Progress Report

With the new year commencing on a Friday, I was not sure whether to update now or wait for the end of the first full week. And so, I am here.

My goal to run 2016.

And I have run and walked three consecutive days, while following my half-marathon plan. I even took my new (that I bought this summer) Asics out for some road work.



I am also communicating and sharing on a FB page designed specifically for #runtheyear2016 and for the most part the group is very enthousiastic, and positive. Considering my current situation, I do not need any extra negativity in my world. And I am happy to interact. Although, I was told I was rude because I advised trying on shoes in a store and buying them on line. As if NO ONE HAS EVER DONE THIS BEFORE. Why is it women are so nasty to other women? And so, I digress.

And the week's totals are in. Drum roll please............


I am pleased with my progress so far! And I even saw a whale this week.
A gentle reminder to get out and swim!



And As I write this, I ask what is it you did in your first three days of the new year?


Friday, January 1, 2016

Run the Year 2016

Welcome 2016!

My crazy idea (signed up for it yesterday) is to run the year in miles. So, 2016, bring it.

Among my other crazy ideas-- I joined the Ragner be active every day for 30 days, swim Boston before Boston (yes, that is 26.2miles before Patriot's Day), and complete a half iron so I can conquer the iron next year, etc, etc, etc.

So, like turning the page in a book, I began a fresh start........

Day One: the first page...... And so, the story begins.

I went to run/walk the Delaware-Raritan Canal tow path.



It was peaceful with only a few others out on the path this morning. It was cold. And where was the sun?

I completed 2.91miles to begin my year.


It felt AMAZING!

I achieved my first milestone bib. Great motivation! And I am going to need to refer to it, perhaps frequently, since the next milestone is at 100miles. And as I entered my data to the mileage tracker, it looked funny to see such a small sliver in the pie.


Although I am looking forward to coloring in the pie throughout the year! And putting dollars in a jar! I stole, well ummm, borrowed this idea from someone else in the challenge. I like this idea! So, building athletically AND saving some money!


The New Year is upon us! I have started coloring in my new book. This is going to be fun!