Monday, March 7, 2016

Over the Top for PBJ.....


My relocate to Houston has presented some obstacles since my arrival.

Housing here is unique.

Work opportunities are great.

Mail is SLOWer than molasses.

And the check is in the mail.


In the midst of some of the chaos, I am learning to trust that God will provide. He has brought me here and will continue to take care of me. And in the midst of the chaos, I am amazed at all the angels in my life. The people who have helped me. People I would not expect. People who I can call family.

In the midst of the chaos, I am thrilled that I paid my rent, my boys are eating, etc... Etc... Etc.....

And yet, while I am thrilled that I have 10cents in my checking account and am not overdrawn, I have 10cents until pay day. And suddenly two weeks feels like a ginormous chasm to be crossed. And I my eating has suffered.

Yesterday, I was gifted the groceries pictured. Yesterday, I met another angel. I was moved to tears. I was amazed once again, where God is showing himself to me.

And when I got home, I made a PBJ sandwich old school. Lots of PB and jelly tucked inside. It was the most amazing tasting PBJ sandwich ever.

I am thankful to be blessed.


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