Monday, November 15, 2010

Drama, Drama, Drama......

Mondays........ are supposed to be my rest day in my week of training.

I expect mondays to be restful. Generally speaking, I work from my home office and do some resistance training. This morning, I was greeted at 5 am by drama created within the home I am moving from..... (ever know people that just exude stress).
AND.... it seemed the day just continued from there............

While I was doing my best to flow...... I was tackled at every corner by some sort of drama that was seeking me out. Honestly, from my grandmother, to the insurance company, to the people in the food store, to some fool who thought interrogating me was the way to find out if we had something in common, and couldn't understand why i got indignant with him..... to the point that I bought one of the froo-froo coffee drinks to 'feel better.'

And finally, I was able to work out some of my frustration..........

It seems the only way I feel better at times, is by physically moving my aggression..... by running. (And yes, it was an off day!) But out I went.... the plan was just to run an easy 5K to relax and get some of the anxious energy out of my system.....
And I ran..... I mean I ran!!!

I finished the 5K with an average pace of 6.30 min/mile.... I was cruising.

And now, I feel better.

How do you take out your aggressions?


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