Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Eight Weeks....

Did you realize that there are eight weeks (give or take one) until the end of the 2011?

Two solid months to regroup and regain focus for the coming year. Two months to evaluate the goals and accomplishments for 2011. Did we manage to be successful? Where did we trip up?

I shared in my last post, how I have fumbled and tripped.
I am sharing now, how I am regrouping. I have started training again. I started Monday. And well, after doing 3 sets of 20 prisoner squats, I knew that my legs would thank me later. They did!!! It is pretty bad when your legs are wobbling and you haven't finished the workout yet..... I guess that is what happens, when you hit a road block..... And yesterday, I rode the bicycle for 20 minutes with each of my spin classes. There were three. My legs were really thanking me this morning.
I was absolutely exhausted this morning, as I am after Tuesdays.

I had a diet coke. I am still working on managing the drive and the caffeine needs for it.

Today, I rested. I needed it.

Tomorrow, I will attack and conquer again.

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