Friday, September 9, 2011


For a female, we have to deal with hormones a little more than a guy.
We are very in tune physically, emotionally, mentally with our hormones.... we feel them when we have fluctuations with our normal monthly cycles. And the body wants to hold on to water sometimes more than others because of these hormones.

I was reminded that the hormones are normal. I need to be in tune with my body. It tells me when I need more food, when I need more rest, when things are changes. I also need to be aware of my bodies reaction to foods. This reaction can give me insights.

This morning after feeling puffy and bloated and fat, I felt great. Tired but great. I saw where my body is letting go and dropping the body fat. YAY!!!!

I reminded myself that I am in this for the long haul and not the weekend crash course. I am stronger than the little fights I have in my head.

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