Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Day Three Begins

I woke this morning after sleep somewhat interrupted, feeling less sore than I expected. I definitely feel my legs! Granted I teach several spin classes/week, but adding running, jumping, squatting pushing and pulling to that I definitely feel like I have been training. I am preparing to teach a spin class this morning, and swim afterwards.

I am keeping the end in mind. This is where I might get flustered and choose to be lazy. Especially, with the rain beating on my head this morning.

Weigh in this morning has brought me down 1.2# since Monday's weigh-in. I randomly step on the scale for just a check-in, and anticipate keeping my formal weigh-ins to weekly. I did notice yesterday, that I felt 'smaller' in clothes that were recently bought and had a more snug fit than yesterday. I also felt like I looked slimmer.

It is a good feeling.

I am reminded of that good-feeling as I step out today to chase my goals.

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