Wednesday, July 16, 2014

I ate meat!

I am now in Day Three of a 28-Day challenge, for animal product free diet.

I do this periodically, as I start to feel yucky from consuming too much meat. Personally, I feel better when I eat lots of fruits and vegetables and view the animal products as a garnish, and not the main event.

I am not opposed to eating meat, I just feel better when I eat less.

Yes, I get lots of protein and yes I get plenty of calories. BTW, In general we eat too much protein.


With that said, I had a little bit of duck, a piece of shrimp and a skewered piece of beef yesterday at a celebration with friends. I did not over eat and was satisfied with the taste of the meat. Today, I resumed my eating style with a bowl of fresh pineapple.

I feel wonderful!!!!!!


*I am reading My Beef With Meat, by Rip Esselstyn. Rip is a firefighter and a multi-sport athlete.


My challenge premised from his suggestion for a 28-day challenge, and the fact that. I have felt like I am in a slump. Trying to shake things up a bit, and make positive changes.


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