Thursday, August 12, 2010


I have completed a 10k run this afternoon in 50 minutes. Yes, I was running.... no room for slogging. RUN!
As I have been working through this 100-day challenge, I completed day 10 today. In this, I have observed many changes in my attitudes and in my relationship with food and training. Some has been a challenge and some very simple.... I want this, I need to do that. Some has been irritating, as I live in a house with people who do not hold the same regard toward health and themselves as I do. And that, I have had to put on them.... those are their choices. I have NO room for their negativity. I have a 70.3 mile race and 160# goal to meet, greet and tackle.

And in my 100-day challenge..... I decided today on my glorious run in the rain, I need a theme!

My theme is a single word the encapsulates the journey, the vision and the goal.
The theme is RUN.

And everyone who has run, understands the dedication and commitment necessary to get up and go and RUN. Running is something that needs to be done daily or it is lost.

"We know the effects of training are temporary. I cannot put fitness in the bank. If inactive, I will detrain faster than it took me to get in shape. And since my entire persona is influenced by my running program, I must remain constantly in training. Otherwise, the sedentary life will inexorably reduce my mental and emotional well-being.

So, I run each day to preserve the self I attained the day before. And coupled with this is the desire to secure the self yet to be. There can be no letup. If I do not run, I will eventually lose all I have gained-- and my future with it."

--Dr George Sheehan

This pretty much sums it up.... RUN. The journey. The adventure. The goal. The dream.

I have completed day 19 of 100. I have 81 days to go.... I trust that I will continue to change my body inside and out.... as I RUN.

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