Saturday, August 14, 2010

Caveman for a Year?

I have begun the 21st day of my 100-day challenge....

I enjoyed an omelette with olives and almonds on a bed of spinach leaves. YUM! I am looking forward to some strawberries later......
And as I was enjoying this, I got a note from a friend who has decided to 'live like a cave man' for the next year.... NO, he is not going to live in a cave... but he is outwardly sharing his personal journey following the Paleo Diet.

And it really got me thinking..... what better thing to do, than step up and move for the next year. My journey to return to the world of the iron-man, is going to take more than 100 days. My journey is going to be over a life time......

And so, but better way to start...... then thoroughly examine the next year.

I have no idea what the outcome will be.... Life at times has a way of changing things.

And what better day to start than tomorrow..... my birthday.

A full year of living and eating like a cave man.... thoroughly embracing the Paleo lifestyle.

I CAN eat:

meats (steak, chicken, tuna, salmon, pork, bacon), eggs (whole)

Fat-nuts (almonds, macadamia nuts, unsalted) olive oil, avocado, coconut, seeds

Fruits and veggies-tomatoes,broccoli, asparagus,carrots, apples, oranges, grapes, kiwi, pineapple, watermelon, strawberries, brussel sprouts, lettuce, cucumber, etc.

Drinks: Water - 1 gallon a day, coffee


white starchy carbs of any kind (bread, potatoes, rice cakes, rice)
Legumes (green beans, peas, peanuts)
sugar or sugar substitute

Dairy, cheese, milk
Drinks, soda, or alcohol

Caveats: I am an endurance athlete.... so, I will need GU and some other fun stuff to aid in training performance and recovery. I also enjoy cream in my coffee (i cannot imagine eating it black).
I also will eat blue cheese occasionally to help with my immunity and some greek yogurt. These aid in my performance and health... and are not a mainstay, but something I do need from time to time.

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