I got on the scale this morning and the four pounds that were gone, are back..... I felt like the creature from a horror show was back to visit..... and I lost it. I got completely and utterly frustrated. I have NO IDEA WHAT CONCLUSION TO DRAW.
But it utterly sucked.
So, today...... after dealing with and food shopping.... and prepping for competition and training.... I took a Metabolic Typing Test.
It was interesting, but help me make some observations by the questions asked.... many of these surrounding eating, how I respond to the foods I eat, and how does it make me feel, any cravings I might have, as well as other interactions I have with food.
Conclusion of the test: I am a mixed metabolic type.
Well, there are some mornings I wake and am craving a cow with a side of chicken and other mornings, I am completely content with a bowl of fruit.
And there are some days, I could eat a piece of chicken and feel like a tub of lard. (They considered chicken a light meat).....
Generally speaking, I have been working to increase my fruit and vegetable intake. Not that I am opposed to eating meats, I can take it or leave it honestly. And the process just brought me back to the Paleo Diet (consisting of lean meats and seafood, fruits, veggies and nuts) and the fact that I am generally satisfied during the day with fruit and salad.
My drama surrounds training and figuring out eating...... b/c of the changes in needs pre and post training. My drama also surrounds the fact that I could eat or not eat.... and I have been conscientiously making a point to eat lunch around 1pm. (I set my alarm to it).
So, while the weight loss has not made me really happy during these first 14 days, I am definitely learning much about my relationship with self and my relationship with food. And in that, I am winning the battle. The rest should fall into play.
This week, I am going to hold myself more accountable to eating consistently and be aware of quality post-exercise.
I don't tend to over eat... but actually, tend to under eat and that is a problem.
The other problem arises from living in this house.... b/c there is no where to do what is necessary, b/c of the schematics and attitudes of the people with whom I reside. It is truly a challenge at times.... but cannot be addressed more than it has already. I will keep working on solutions... and creating different opportunities.
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