Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

to 2013.

Today, 1 January 2013, is the day that all those resolutions for the new year go into affect.  Almost like a personal set of rules that we know we are going to toss to the way side the moment the challenge gets tough.

For me, today commences a renewal in my commitment to myself.  A renewal in my goals.

I am currently reading, The Speed of Trust, by Steven Covey.  In it he describes our commitment to self and how at times we laugh it off.  His story was making appointments with himself to get up early, no matter what, to exercise and find that on those mornings he chose to sleep in.  The result:  he didn't trust himself to keep his appointments with himself. AND that doesn't seem like a good self-relationship.  He learned that he needed to be realistic with himself about those appointments, and when he understood when to make the appointments, he was more committed to keeping them.

AND I wondered about my commitment to self.  How frequently do I start a project, a book, something else and fail to keep the commitment.  Which caused me to wonder......

Is it fear that is slowing my progress?

In this interesting book, Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway, Susan Jeffers discusses procrastination.
What is the underlying problem with procrastination?  Generally speaking, FEAR.

What am I afraid of?  What could be so awful about being awesome again?
Well.... that is a very deep question, and perhaps needs some more reflection, but simply put.... at times, I am afraid of excellence.  I know it doesn't make sense, but it is pretty scary place to be absolutely awesome at something, and to maintain integrity and humility...... and alas, I digress..... as I continue to challenge myself to be excellent and not be afraid.

The last book which has been very inspiring to me.  Even Eagles Need a Push, but David McNally, discusses at times we all need a push.  Did you know the eagle will NOT fly until it is pushed, yes pushed out of the nest?

Why does the thrill of soaring begin with the fear of falling?


And this all brings me to MY word of the Year..... Soaring.

Soaring describes what I aspire to do professionally and personally, encompassing all aspects of my being.

I laugh at the phrase:  How can I soar with the eagles, when I am stuck with a bunch of turkeys?
This is funny now, as I live in Massachusetts, the state bird is the turkey.  Don't get me wrong.... turkeys are pretty interesting birds, but they are definitely NOT an eagle.

And to soar, in 2013.... that is what I want to do.

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