It is flu season, and the coughing and sniffles have attacked my swim team. Many are running for flu shots--- something I have never had, and yet, I last time I had the flu, I was sick for a mere four hours. My sister laughs because I took a nap and was better.
But many are attacked each year with the flu and colds that never seem to end. I think the quality if food we eat is a big factor in this-- way too many grains, meat that is overburdened with antibiotics and hormones, not enough fruits and veggies. Since I have gone predominantly plant-based, I realize I actually feel better.
The point of this is not to discuss a plant-based diet, but to share some remedies that are non-pharmaceutical in nature and yet have helped keep me healthy. In the picture, there is cayenne pepper, lemon juice, cinnamon and honey.
Cayenne Pepper-- I read somewhere that drinking a 1/4 teaspoon of cayenne pepper mixed in water will increase metabolism. I am not sure how true that is, but when I drank this the first time, I felt a burning warmth run through my body..... A tingling sensation. And after a week, my body seemed more 'regular'. Since then, I have gargled somewhat regularly with the pepper, similar to salt-water when fighting a sore throat, and have felt my sinuses clear up.
*i recommended this to a swimmer who has been congested since the start of the season. She claims this remedy doesn't work, as the sinuses drained and she felt it was worse.*. The problem is comprehension-- when the sinuses are draining, and we get sniffles, the immune system is fighting infection. It is doing its job. WE think we know best, and take a drug or medicine to stop the sniffles, preventing the body from doing its job. *asian mustard also works wonders with clearing sinuses*
Lemon juice-- lemon is a natural scouring agent, designed to clean the intestines. I drank a teaspoon of lemon in a cup of hot water and found it aided tremendously in keeping my system regular. I still use this from time to time, and recommend this for people who are eating a high protein diet and may not get the fiber necessary to clean the intestines.
Honey and cinnamon-- this is my most recent discovery. A friend shared on FB some of the properties of this combination. I googled it, and wow! It is amazing how many sites and properties of healing, cleansing and weight loss.
Currently, I am 'testing' the weight loss remedy. In the mix, I do feel my sinuses are clearer and I feel good. I am not sure about the weight loss-- it has been two days, but it cannot hurt to try.
In our society of take a pill for any bump, bruise or ache, I find it interesting that individuals are skeptical to natural remedies, and willing to take any thing on the pharmacy shelf. Granted there are times when we need the pharmacy, but I would much rather help my body heal naturally.
What remedies do you use?
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