It is pretty funny. I have been asked, 'where do I get my protein?' after sharing that I am eating a predominantly plant-based diet.
In fact questions this week:
--- There's protein in spaghetti squash?
--- Everyone needs meat.... why aren't you eating any?
--- You lost that much weight in a week? What are you doing throwing up?
Needless to say, I had several face to palm moments this past week.
Three weeks ago, I was gifted the book -- The Engine 2 Diet. (I had wanted to read it, as I had read several other books similar in philosophies).
Two weeks ago, I cut processed foods and animal products out of my diet. I have been eating a plant-based diet, enjoying fruits and veggies, and a some oatmeal. Granted..... I have cream in my coffee, and had a crab cake with an amazing steamed veggie salad, and I had some yogurt the other day. The difference now, is that the animal products are the garnish or the secondary segment in the diet.
The result: week one: I lost 8.9#
week two: I fluctuated a bit with my weight -- hormones, those pesky little things.
But I have managed to not gain any weight this week. I will know on
Monday the final result of the week.
Regardless of the result of this week, I feel great! I have more energy than I have in a long time.
I am using this as a foundation and the beginning of a new adventure. I have two more weeks in this process, and I anticipate more consistency in my running. I have a half-marathon to tackle in February!
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