Monday, August 29, 2011

Immediate Changes....

Principles I am adopting to continue in the next 60 days.... (and moving forward).

---- 'A simple lifestyle built on the basics'
-- seeking to make changes based on the basics.
the basics copy the lifestyle of the ancient warriors -- the spartans.

I am becoming a modern Spartan (or a modern warrior)

The modern Spartan has real health and is an Athlete.

A great quote: 'Our greatest fear should be not that our lives will someday come to an end, but Rather that they may never begin.'

The Fundamental Principles I am adopting:

No1: Take what works for me and reject what doesn't.

No2: 80% of conventional wisdom is wrong.

No3: Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity.

And a great concept from Michael Pollan:

Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.

And so.... my journey resumes.

Goal weight loss: (to return to my true racing weight) 65#.

Here we go.....

***A note: the 65# is greater than my original 40# goal. i didn't gain 25#. i am basically back at my starting point, for many reasons. the 65# was actually the original goal, but my intent was to lose 40 and see where i was from there.****

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