Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day One of Sixty commences....

This is the beginning of the last sixty days!!
(I actually think this is day 43; so I would say close enough).

This mornings weigh in is down .8#. My objective for getting on the scale daily is to keep me honest. Nothing more.

And I drank .5 liters of water, ate two clementines and am currently enjoying a cup of coffee.
I take my supplements at night, because I enjoy coffee-- the coffee causes the body to flush and doesn't give the body time to absorb the supplements.

Fruit: it is what's for breakfast.

I am a modern day Spartan, a warrior.... the Spartans of old, lived on live foods throughout the day and cooked foods at night. Live foods means raw foods... and so fruit it is.
If we also look at the animal kingdom, the animal that is most closely similar to us in digestion are chimps. Despite our conceptions, chimps are not vegetarians... but they sustain livelihood off live food-- what they can forage.

Fruit has gotten a bad rap recently. Many fitness professionals would like to say fruit will make you fat. REALLY? I often ask, when I am told this.... what then do you recommend?? And I hear all kinds of processed food recommendations. Again, really??
I don't understand why one would recommend processed food over a natural food.
The truth: fruit can provide nutrients and energy (calories) for the activities of the day. Fruit is designed to promote digestion and clean the intestines (remember what your grandmother said about prunes? citrus works just as well). And some fruit, like pineapple reduce swelling.

I am not the person who wakes and is hungry immediately. I woke this am and did some work on the deck, drank my water and ate my clementines. I am certain the two clementines will not sustain me through the entire morning; so I am bringing more with me.

Well, off to teach water fitness. This is the first morning back after the storm.

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