Sunday, September 5, 2010


Weekly weigh in..... grrrrrr. I am up 3#... after mid-week, being down .4. I don't get it.
And that is when I feel frustrated......

Granted, I have had a lazy week after returning from Arizona. And I find it is easy to be lazy....

So, I need to work on not being LAZY! and realize my frustration is self-afflicted.

I also ate non-paleo foods yesterday-- peanut butter and mashed potatoes.... they tasted good, i enjoyed them... but it was somewhat anti-climatic actually. So, i might be retaining some water weight as a result, if they caused that....
But the truth, my consistency has tapered off instead of working more diligently, in this hot, ugly summer weather.... some days, i just didn't have the desire to go sweat... and then mornings that I was actually able to sleep under a blanket, I wanted to stay there.
I have learned though that.... I rarely have the motivation or energy to workout in the evening. I am usually spent.

So, with that said.... I have learned yet another thing about me on Day 43/100, (day 4 with my student's) and the 22nd day of my new year. (one would think i am enjoying counting.... i am not).

So, I have 57 more days of my personal journey to create lasting lifestyle and create a better scenario for me. My goal for my journey with my students (granted there is some overlap in my journey) is to lose 25 to 30# and over the next year.... get the maximum from my life... in whatever I do.

OK, off for a run now...

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