Friday, September 10, 2010


I have spent the week training..... and I still have three days of this week. I am spent.

I am following the protocol as if I were training for an iron-man, although the goal is a half-iron.... and well, i could change my mind. (I would rather spend the time building a strong foundation so that I have more options). The result.... I am doing more biking and less running.

I am ok with that.... but i am concerned about this pending marathon. So, I am doing some juggling in my training to get the mileage in.

Last night, I arrived home and crashed after eating. That might have something to do with the minimal eating time, from my teaching schedule on Thursdays. I teach two back to back classes and both are activity classes.... so eating on Thursdays will be a challenge. I ate and fell asleep watching a moment of tv and went to bed.... it was early. Dark outside, but still early.

(Wasn't it a couple weeks ago that the sun was out until after 8pm?)

And this morning has been a slow morning. I am supposed to run 30 minutes. I am going to attempt an easy 7-miles. I need to put some work on the pavement. And of course drama with gadgets and the like. I am just going to see how I feel. I might need the day off.... my body will tell me so.

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