As I turn the calendar from December 2013 to January 2014, I am glad to see 2013 go. It is pretty cool,how we use the change of a calendar year as a time for a fresh start, a new beginning. Some say out with the old and in with the new.....I don't want to toss the learning out as well. In my personal reflection I have gained some important insights from the experiences of 2013 as I prepare for the adventure of 2014.
My word for 2013 was SOAR. The goal was to soar with eagles, understanding that an eagle will not take its first flight until literally pushed from the nest. And eagles nest in high places. I needed that push.
Soar not only referred to the act of flying, but my attitude in everything-- my attitude toward life. How I interacted with other people, how I interacted with myself.
It was a purposeful year. And I did get pushed out of my comfort zone at times, and I found myself excel and at others rolling in the muck.
My big observation as I move into 2014 is I need to work my talents --- I have been struggling in MA, finding my place, making new friends, establishing my business. I know MA is not my final destination, just a stepping stone along the way. I also know there is something I need to learn and apply in my life, before I can be successful anywhere-- because no matter where I go, there I am. -- and I have been *afraid* to show my talents! to really shine. I have almost been living like, I am no longer here. And the truth is, I NEED to be committed to my life here, until it is time to move onward. I was reminded of the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30) and identified with the man who hid his talent until the master of the house returned. I concluded I need to work my business, and build relationships, and find people, AND keep living my life.
I think this in itself is the biggest take-away from 2013. And as I move into 2014, my new word is CLIMB. To signify how I am going to climb to new heights --- personally, and professionally. In my interactions, I am going to elevate my thinking, not to condescend, but to take the high road, and be kind. To push onward, even when the challenges seem to great, and not accept the easy way out.
My goals are becoming purposeful in intent, to help me strive to my greatest potential.
I am looking forward to the climb, and the adventure. I am looking forward to what 2014 will bring.
What is your word for this year?
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