Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Eating MORE Fruits and Veggies

I eat a plant-based diet. In other words, the fruits and veggies are the first thing on the plate, and the meat (if I choose to have some with that meal) are a garnish, and not the main event. In eating this way, I feel better. I feel lighter and I thoroughly enjoy the process of eating.

It wasn't always this way -- I doubted one could feel satisfied without a piece of meat or fish staring back from the plate. It wasn't until I questioned the whole vegetarian diet, that I discovered I really enjoy eating vegetables. *My journey contained four weeks of animal product free living, and I learned I could not only sustain life and feel great, I enjoy eating a piece of meat or steak or fish, but I don't necessarily have to eat it.*


In my current weight-loss challenge coaching, I have encouraged my team to eat more fruits and veggies. I have also encourage the participants in my classes to do the same. Yesterday, I had to chuckle when one woman asked if I ate meat (all I had said, was I have increased my fruits and veggies). *I love the assumptions*. My response was that I did enjoy meat and fish, I just learned I enjoy fruits and veggies as much. And I do not have to have meat or animal in every meal I eat.

*If you doubt my love for meat, ask my sister.... I had prime rib on Thanksgiving. Best piece I have had in a LONG time.... It melted in your mouth.*


But I love the colors and textures and various tastes of fruit and vegetables.

In eating more of these, I have become increasingly aware of hunger and satisfaction (when I have had enough to eat). I am shedding body fat. And most importantly, I feel great!


What new fruit or veggie have you tired today?


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