Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Too Many Almonds.....

I love the *garbage* that runs freely, like a disease in the fitness and nutrition industry.......  Rules like-- you can't eat after this time, you have to negotiate x calories, and well.... don't eat more than 10 almonds or 10 olives.  Two foods I absolutely love.

I always wondered about it-- b/c if you read any *diet* book, the impression is made that something EVIL will happen if you eat more than 10.... and yet, After reading the warrior diet, by ori hofmekler, the impression is much different.... one will drop body fat if eating 'live veggies' --ie: leafy lettuces-- with almonds.  SAY What???? And not an innuendo about ultimate demise regarding eating too many almonds.

So..... yesterday, I tested it.  What would happen if I ate the 11th almond?????

More out of need (I had no food in the fridge) than anything else, I ate 500 calories of almonds, or five of the prepackaged 100 calorie packs of almonds that I buy for the convenience of packaging more than anything else.  I must be committing diet heresy!!!!

Guess What???? Nothing happened.  Not a thing.  I ate.  I felt satisfied.  My body didn't implode or explode.  I didn't suddenly gain weight, in fact I lost weight..... which might have something to do with hormones..... but I survived, in fact I excelled.

I don't recommend eating that many nuts every day, but if you are enjoying these.... enjoy them.  You can eat number eleven!!

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