Saturday, January 7, 2012

Does 'dieting' really work???

I was invited to a group (a virtual group through facebook) to promote lifestyle changes in 2012.... Several of the women are on weight watchers, and are consumed with counting points...

One woman indicated that she was starting again.... as when she stops measuring and counting and eating responsibly she put it all back on (with interest)... And as I was reading her post, I really thought.... is this working??? Does one have to count points for the rest of their lives, or are they learning something through this program??? And we see it all the time.... lose weight, gain weight, lose some more weight... gain it all back. Starting where we began.

What stops the madness?? What creates a new lifestyle? What creates a new 'you?'

And I keep coming back to the 'primal lifestyle'... the Spartan or Warrior way.....
I am in the midst of a 21-Day total body transformation... I am not naive and expect to have a completely new body in 21 days.... I am following a blueprint that is the beginning of adopting new habits, changing the old ones... things that I know work for me....

Eating more fruits and veggies.
Eating lean meats and fish... mostly fish.
Eating nuts.
Eliminating the gluten.... and the grains.
Enjoying long walks and exploring, challenging myself to run and jump and hop and skip.
Giving myself plenty of rest.

I feel better. I look better. And I enjoy this lifestyle.

I want to take a cooking class, to learn more about fish preparation..... since I am living on the coast and can 'catch' my own fish... I want to know how to prepare it, so I will take advantage of this.

I will keep you posted on the 21-day transformation, as I am seizing this year.

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