and I am sitting at day 37 of the NJCU (my students challenge) and I passed Day 30 of the Paleo.... and I said to myself....
I am doing a great deal of counting and my mileage, resistance training and my weight is fluctuating... granted, I have overcome some milestones in the past 75 days... and some of the goals have been accomplished. But my credibility is varying and I am feeling stagnant. It is time to get back on track!!!
So.... tomorrow... I am finishing strong... my goal to the rest of the year is to lose 30#. (And then I can reestablish the goal). And to train 'hard' six days a week. And to bring up my running and swimming mileage.... biking will taper a bit and be reintroduced. I need to weight train... working specifically on my movement deficiencies... single leg strength, and upper body strength -- i want to be able to do a pull-up and a push-up -- and I need to become very active again.
I am re-reading Racing Weight by Matt Fitgerald, and I am conscientiously refocusing on eating Paleo... warrior style.
I am going to make this happen.... as I lose the weight the training will become more efficient... i can train harder with less effort... and start seeing running i used to be able to do....
I need to get back to that place.
So, running, swimming, jump-roping, skipping, hoping, climbing, kettle bells, mini-bands, and any other means necessary. This winter, I am going to be dropping the weight... instead of storing the fat!
And it continues.
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