my morning run is complete.... another 10K for the books.... wow!
After last night's rowing adventure, I felt the muscles in my inner thighs, reminding me that they worked hard yesterday. I am glad I rowed, but wow-o-wow.....
Since I doubt there will be any radical changes in the next day of the completion of this 100 days, I did my measurements this morning....
This journey began the end of July, when a friend tossed me so casually from his life. The shock and disbelief that I would be treated so callously, caused me to refocus on me.... and what I want and need.... and in that, really take control of my training again.
The past 100 days have been far from perfect. I have wandered and lost focus, the summer heat and I lost direction... and my eating... has been less than stellar. But I have learned the triggers that set me off... and how to recognize behaviors before they capture me in a downward spiral.
AND the result is a weight loss of 16.1# and a body fat loss of 5%.
(Not thrilled about the total body fat loss, but am refocusing on this...)
I am completing the 100 days with my students, and over the next 40 days am anticipating further changes and hurdles to clear! I am excited about this direction as I am truly seizing control of my training.... and the direction I want to go in regards to competition.
I look forward to sharing with you......