Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Go confidently in the direction of your dreams! Live the life you imagined.

This quote is on the wall over my desk. I read it every day.

The other:

'Today is 'start making your dreams come true day.' Your inner b*tch would like to remind you that no matter how big your dream is, you have to start sometime. Might as well be today.'

And yesterday, someone told me I spend too much in a dream world. As if I was delusional, out of touch with reality, or somehow not with it..... I didn't get it. I could only imagine this person trying to say that to the likes of Aristotle, Matisse, Picasso, Mozart, Beethoven, John Lennon, John Adams, Luis and Clark, and i don't think i need to continue......
I was just astounded that someone would suggest that dreams are a bad thing.

Granted, if we don't turn our dreams into goals, they are just dreams or hopes or wishes. It takes a lot of hard work to make dreams a reality....
If it weren't for dreams, I would not be pursuing my athletic endeavors, I wouldn't be writing (i am now a paid-published author), I wouldn't be thinking of writing a book, I wouldn't be here sharing with you.

And it is funny how God responds when we are hurting... or someone wants to step on our dreams....
Yesterday, I was reached out to by many people, some i hadn't spoken to in months, people who told me they admired me and my strength and the fact that i am goal oriented and such a dedicated and generous person. And most importantly, to keep dreaming.... that is where i will find my inspiration.
I was touched.

And in that, I was blessed..... and I felt peace.

And last night..... I learned that I was now a PAID PUBLISHED AUTHOR. Something, that would not have happened had I not had a dream. And then I had the most FUN watching TV that I have had in a long time.... I was watching Covert Affairs and I was enjoying my time and my space and I was laughing and I felt free. It was the best feeling EVER!

And this morning, I woke to continue pursuing my dream.

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