Friday, July 30, 2010

DAY Six.....


...... ever feel like even though you have it going right, it is going totally wrong.

Yesterday, RAIN and then more RAIN. Most definitely NOT complaining.... needed the rain, desperately. BUT..... it hindered my cycling adventure. More likely because the rain was accompanied by its friends thunder and lightening. While, i am not opposed to riding in a light rain fall, especially on the trail, i am definitely not interested in being a a lightening rod, or moving target.

And I was completely and utterly exhausted. I suppose the drama from the beginning of the week caught up to me.... at least Drama didn't invite her friends Depression and Loneliness. It can get ugly when they decide to come have a party.

So, I cat-napped to a great movie, The Book of Eli. Wonderful way to spend a humid and steamy afternoon.

This morning I woke, shivering. I love sleeping under my winter blankets in the middle of summer. It is wonderful.... windows open, awesome cross-breeze, and curled up under the warm blankets!!

This morning.... I just wanted to stay there.... but was abruptly brought back to reality, as there was noise in the kitchen and evidence that the peace that has been for two weeks, will be interrupted tomorrow. BOO!

So, I rose and went out to conquer my run.... and of course, my friend the i-pod, decided to have a different agenda. The schedule was to run a steady 35 to 40 minutes. I don't like running with my i-pod all the time.... i feel it takes away from my run... but today, i just wanted to run to a fun dance play list and enjoy putting the feet to the pavement.
I-pod had other ideas..... so, after tucking her in my shorts, there was other drama.... I couldn't focus. It really didn't come together.... and i looked at my watch, and I only ran 10 minutes. WHAT?!?! So, i decided to walk and regain my focus and try again..... and today, try as i might focus was nowhere to be found.

Well..... mama said there be days like this....

and i am now enjoying some breakfast, and will be off to swim in a few.


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