It actually began earlier in the week, and yesterday, I wemt food-shopping using coupons and buying my weekly needs except meat and cream for under $40. I think I like coupons!
This morning, my training schedule dictated a 5-mile pace run. UMMMMMM....... I have nothing to pace from, and two weeks before my 10K. YIKES!?!
I got up out of my bed into the cold. (It was 50degrees this morning in Houston!) and I dressed appropriately. Walking a route to return a library book, amd finish near Starbucks for coffee, I completed just 7nder 3-miles of brisk walking, tempo-running and overall enjoying the quiet of the city on a Sunday Morning.
Why ever did I stop this? Good Question! It is easier to be lazy, than to be active.......
but somehow I always feel better when I am active.
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