Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Eating Gluten Free

I have gluten sensitivities, and when I eat too much craziness takes over my body and it is not pretty. It is not as ugly as some of my friends, but I do feel a bloat and an extra heaviness when I consume too much. Sometimes, my ankles will swell. Never fun.

My friend Verena has a different tale to tell. She has some very serious food allergies that have seized her body, and she has ended up in the ER...... Several times. And as a result, she has sought help and direction of specialists. Earlier this week, she announced that the allergy tests were conclusive and she needed to cut the gluten out. LOTS of fruits, vegetables and meats are on the menu.

In her excitement of finally discovering what is triggering her reactions, some nay-Sayers in the guise of support were apologizing because she needs to make a life-style change. I was cheering for her, cheering because she finally has some answers. And am thrilled about her attitude in this. It will be an adjustment for her, because of her current eating choices and habits which surround her work as a paramedic, but I am confident that she can do this!

V, you got this!!!

And in support...... I am eating gluten-free. Not because I am a phobic, or am seeking to lose weight fast, or any other reason than in support of a friend. Hopefully, my long-distance support can assist her in her quest to be healthier and care for her body will help her in this journey.


To start: this morning (after opening the pool),

I ate scrambled eggs with spinach and slivered almonds.

I feel satisfied, and ready to conquer the rest of the day.

I am thrilled for my friend. And I am thrilled to be able to motivate and support her in this.


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