The Last Meal..........
You know, the one you eat before you commence a diet....... Especially an elimination diet.
And today, I have been thinking about my 'LAST MEAL'....... Which traditionally includes a trip to the diner for a burger and fries and a shake of some sort. And this time...... I took a moment and said, I really want the fish nuggets I bought from Trader Joes.
Instead of a LAST MEAL that will make me feel worse, or guilty because I had it, I am pre-heating the oven for fish and Brussels sprouts.
I decided that this time around I am going to enjoy food. I am going to embrace the things I eat. And I am going to enjoy eating these without guilt, regardless of what these may be.
As you may know, I gifted myself a six-pack for my 50th birthday. Next year, I turn 50.
A six-pack...... Not because I am pursuing a thinness, but instead a personal feeling. When I felt great about myself, pictures that were taken of me, my athletic ability and not feeling like I need to hide from the camera, in my clothes, or from the image I have painted on my brain.
This pursuit is in health. This pursuit is to lose the extra weight I have been desiring to lose, and to enjoy the journey and embrace me. This pursuit is for me and about me.
And tonight..... There is NO Last Meal.
Tonight, I am enjoying what I am eating as I regain conscientious eating habits and enjoy living and eating.