Please understand, I am by no means the best instructor out there. In this, I am continually striving to learn more to be able to present better. I am networking and learning and trying new things, to make my classes better, to,provide the highest quality possible. And I honestly feel cheated when I am not provided the same quality I hope to deliver.
This morning, I participated in a class which could have been amazing. And yet, seemed lack luster. The instructor had good music for his purpose, BUT, he did not use a mike, so understanding his directions were at times challenging. He also was not clear in what we were hoping to achieve in class. Power, intensity, speed, what were we doing? And to what end?
And it seemed every song was more of the same choreography. Song one, song two, repeat. Pedal fast, increase tension, now repeat out of the saddle. Back in the saddle. Out of the saddle, let's do it again. And increase that tension, pedaling slowly, to the beat of the music, hovering (which we should not be doing anymore), and then for a five minute stretch just pedal as fast as you can.
Perhaps....... If he understood how to integrate power into the mix, the class would have been more meaningful. Or perhaps........ He was trying to accomplish that, but his vocabulary did not match his objectives.
But instead....... I found myself watching people bouncing in seats, hovering over saddles, and laying on handle bars. All things that are not effective in indoor cycling execution.
And somehow, they are able to determine if I can coach or teach a class by watching me participate.
Here's a thought: If you want to see how I teach, have me teach.
Seems pretty simple. But until then, I will continue doing my own thing, in your class.
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