Saturday, March 21, 2015

Spring has brought.....

MORE SNOW!!!!! Yup.... It has. The first day of spring brought another inch of snow to my deck. The good news--- it smells clean! The bad-- it is not giving a day off or time to myself.

Instead, I am headed out for a full day of work and play.

Soon, I hope to return to be able to finish my spring cleaning, started when I was finished with winter. Clearly winter, wasn't finished..... And so, I digress.


This morning I stood and looked in the mirror and I could see visible changes. I have really truly been focused on my eating this week, and I can honestly say I feel good.

I enjoy a cup of hot lemon water every morning. It is like my wake up AND full of vitamin C, as well as cleansing properties.

I drink 20oz of a mixture of MOSTLY water, a swig of apple juice, a squirt of liquid Stevia, and two tablespoons of Bragg's apple cider vinegar. *I definitely know when I have not drunk this.*

And I am enjoying all kinds of combinations of salad, fresh greens, broccoli slaw with poopy seed dressing, carrots, tomatoes, pomegranate, pineapple, and some Irish soda bread. The other night I sautéed mushrooms in coconut oil, poured these over spaghetti squash, with grilled asparagus and black beans.

And the list goes on...... There are so many choices and combinations.


After looking in the mirror, I decided to step on the scale. Remember I use the scale as a check-up, to be certain all is as is should be, not as the determining factor of my success. And the digits indicated that I have lost 7#.


All of that, without focusing on weight loss. All of that, without powders or shakes. All of that, since my last weigh-in on 7 March. All of that BY simply EATING MORE FIBROUS FOODS or fruits and veggies and some beans.

Yesterday, I was channel surfing and I caught a clip that a doctor was sharing regarding the weight-loss/weight-gain cycle. He said as the cycle continues it is harder to lose the weight of that is the extra that is regained when weight is lost rapidly and regained. This doctor further explained how dangerous the fat cells can become during rapid weight loss and weight gain, being conditioned to extremes and creating an environment that the cells will not give up the fat. He further said the BEST way to lose the dangerous fat cells was by increasing fibrous foods in fruits and vegetables.

While, I knew that..... It was positive to hear a reinforcement to my choices.

To see the results from eating such an array of colorful food.

And..... I have eaten a piece of chocolate everyday, enjoyed some Irish soda bread, and am thoroughly enjoying the food process!



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