Sunday, May 19, 2013

A 30 - day challenge

What better way to regain my focus and strength, than to give myself a 30-day challenge ( which was originally a 21-day--- 30 seemed more well-rounded).

I took measurements this morning, which BTW is always challenging with cats. They want to 'help'.

I also found the athletic setting on my body composition scale--- I didn't realize that it would make a 13% difference in overall composition and measurements. AND yes, I still consider myself an athlete.... Teaching multiple classes and training daily. I know what my struggles are, and now, it is time to put these to rest.

I am eating like a warrior. (It works for me). But I am also making the effort to be prepared, so I can eat appropriately when I am hungry, and not on the fly. I have tucked my measurements away, and will revisit on 7 June, which is 21-days (from yesterday.... The day I began my challenge), prior to leaving for Texas, so I have accountability while in Texas.

My goal over the next 30 is to lay a foundation-- better eating, better choices, improve my running, and begin training for racing. Working in an aesthetically driven field is challenging at times, because sometimes people don't look beyond appearance.

Today...... I continue the journey.


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