Wednesday, March 6, 2013

She had WHAT???

Yesterday, a family member had a quadruple bypass.  YUP...... that she did.

AND...... this caused me to reflect.  We have heart disease in our family.  Whether self-inflicted or genetic, it is there.  Heart Disease.  In. Our. Family.  After all, my grandfather died of a massive heart attack when I was a sophomore in high school.  He had just retired.

If I dwell on the instances of disease and death that has run amuck in our family history, I might be inclined to sit in the house and do much of nothing...... while I have days like that, which are wonderful by the way........  It can be pretty scary out there.

And as I reflected on my own personal journey of health...... this health issue has recharged my battery, so to speak...... it has influenced me to JUMP and RUN and continue to pursue health's excellence.  Yes, I want the lower body fat, and the lean mean fighting machine image of strength and fitness....... but more importantly, I want to be HEALTHY.  I want my insides to be as well and strong as the body that carries them.

And so....... my pursuit of excellence continues.  It had a kick start yesterday.

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