Wednesday, March 27, 2013

YO-YO-ing Again

Down 2, up 3, down 4, up 2...... Back and forth, up and down I go..... With no real progress.

I observed my eating last night after visiting the scale. I know there aren't real changes; I see it in my clothes. I am just playing the down-up game with the same five pounds.

Way. Not. Cool.


Part of it is my eating. It is erratic. I am good for two weeks, and then I binge. So, I haven't really learned anything.

The other part is my exercise. I am only teaching spin classes. Enough to make a difference, but I am not working on strength or the other stuff I love...... Like running.


This stops today. I am starting my day with a bowl of oatmeal. I am eating it at the kitchen table so, I can experience the food with no distractions.


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

In light of history......

The history is that I excel for a week or two, and cave to...... All those things that become excuses.

My personal history of the past year is beginning again..... And again, and again.

This year I set goals and resolved not to write out plans I wouldn't adhere to..... Anyone can write the plan, it takes someone serious to execute these.

And in reflection of current health events in my family and my relentless hamstring injury, I am forging onward. I have been doing more cycling, more coaching and I need to show the example. My execution may not be perfect, but I anticipate becoming better in my ability to perform.

This week I am focusing on riding in each class. And I plan to run at least twice. I want to ensure I can handle the volume of my current responsibilities before adding more. I feel stronger and fitter, albeit a little tired today.


This morning I woke with some aches and owies as I am increasing my training. My goal today was to go out for a run. It didn't happen. My body and mind felt tired. So, I slept another hour and then got up and read....... And had another cup of coffee as the cobwebs disintegrated from my mind.

I still feel tired. I am just feeling hungry. And I anticipate my afternoon ride today.

When I feel tired, I tend to reach for junk. My eating is worthless. Today, I am making a conscientious effort to choose wisely and eat appropriately. Today, I feel better.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

She had WHAT???

Yesterday, a family member had a quadruple bypass.  YUP...... that she did.

AND...... this caused me to reflect.  We have heart disease in our family.  Whether self-inflicted or genetic, it is there.  Heart Disease.  In. Our. Family.  After all, my grandfather died of a massive heart attack when I was a sophomore in high school.  He had just retired.

If I dwell on the instances of disease and death that has run amuck in our family history, I might be inclined to sit in the house and do much of nothing...... while I have days like that, which are wonderful by the way........  It can be pretty scary out there.

And as I reflected on my own personal journey of health...... this health issue has recharged my battery, so to speak...... it has influenced me to JUMP and RUN and continue to pursue health's excellence.  Yes, I want the lower body fat, and the lean mean fighting machine image of strength and fitness....... but more importantly, I want to be HEALTHY.  I want my insides to be as well and strong as the body that carries them.

And so....... my pursuit of excellence continues.  It had a kick start yesterday.