In a year from now, you will thank yourself for it.
You could stay where you are doing the same things you are doing.
You know, INSANITY, by definition is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
So.... I have begun in a new direction to achieve the same goal.
1. Eating in my kitchen. -- it is amazing how satisfied I feel without over eating since there is no distraction to my eating.
2. Eating only when I am hungry -- I woke this morning to teach spin, and I was thirsty. I drank water..... and I felt satisfied. I felt hungry after my spin class.
3. Choosing wisely -- eating junk, makes me feel like junk..... so, I need to choose wisely the food I want to put in my body.
These three steps are helping me in the new direction.
What step are you taking today?
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