Monday, November 28, 2011

Lessons from Aries

Aries is my newly adopted cat.

There is one thing Aries does in the morning. He goes in the kitchen and drinks lots of water. I hear him lapping (he is a very loud drinker) up the water. And then he goes off for the day.

I hear him throughout the day drinking water.

What a great way to start the day!!

Drink water. Let your body wake.... and then, have your coffee (tea or other) because you enjoy it, not because you need it.

*I have noticed that I am drinking a great deal of coffee. Yes, I enjoy coffee. But there are times, that I could/should be drinking water, and I reach for a cup of coffee.

I need to heed the advice of Aries and drink more water in the morning.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Long Walk

This morning, I woke with the sun. After spending some time reading, I went for a long walk... bought the paper, and enjoyed the peaceful morning. I weighed in and I am down two pounds.... which I am pleased with, especially after the up four from last week. Sometimes, being female is a challenge. Grrrrr.....

The day is unfolding, and I am looking forward to another sunny day. I am planning to go to the beach. I am going to hike along the trail at Nasketucket Bay. Love that beach!!

Have a super day!!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend.

Because of different family stuff during the past month, my parents were unable to voyage to the south coast of MA to visit for Thanksgiving.
I had hoped to do a turkey trot in the morning.... and I woke when the race was expected to begin. I felt tired, achy, tired, and not wanting to do much of anything. I got up and went for a walk/run anyway, hoping it would help with my mood. It did a little.

I am spent.

The college semester is almost over. The commute back and forth is consuming lots of energy and trying to find work (substantial work) is less than amusing. I could write a book about the mentality and attitude of some, because I am doing the responsible thing and working, albeit in NJ until I find work here. I could write another book on all the people who give advice. I know it is well-meaning. I am grateful. But sometimes, I am just like... really?

And so, Thanksgiving found herself alone with Aries, Leo and me. The cats have been getting along better. I cannot believe it has only been a week since Aries came to join the tribe. He has definitely made his mark. He runs the roost, so to speak. Leo yields to him.
I enjoyed a peaceful walk/run. I went to the beach. It was great. The sun shining.
And then I returned home to enjoy a quiet day with a book, a movie and a NCIS marathon. It was great to do much of nothing. It was great to rest.

Yesterday, 'Black Friday'..... I left the house after 8am and returned with all my errands before noon. I am grateful for Black Friday because the stores were open earlier, and I did find a new robe. I haven't seen a flier (I don't buy the paper..... maybe I should start. Sunday's only). But I had to get stuff that I need to live. I wasn't Christmas shopping-- I was doing the mundane stuff I need to do to live.... and then I came home and cleaned. (Oh, I did buy a christmas tree. A norfolk pine. It is on my deck... and I trust someone will want to plant it after Christmas).

This morning.... I cooked the pork chops, I enjoyed a grapefruit and two hard-boiled eggs, and some quiet time on the deck. Aries joined Leo and myself this morning. Well, he is part of the family now. He needs to learn that the deck is the only outside.... or he will not go outside.

Today, off to storage and laundry--- i need to wash my linens and rugs. The sun is coming up... I can dry them outside!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

there is a road race going down my street....

My training plans changes slightly this morning as I was running into a group of runners, running toward me. I still ran 40 minutes, at an easy pace, but I had to radically change my running route. It was like surprise.

And in that, I was reminded to be flexible.

Otherwise, I was over-dressed.... it was unseasonably warm. And the second layer was a bit much. Perhaps, I need to go outside before I run.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


If you want to become the best runner you can be start now. Don't spend the rest of your life wondering if you can do it. -- Priscilla Welch, who won the NYC Marathon at age 42.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Weighing In....

Week one weigh in: I am down 3.7#. YAY!

Keep in mind, I am eating and I am eating to satisfaction. Someone questioned my fasting yesterday, and it is good to fast. It is not good to starve oneself. I am eating lots of foods, including fruits and veggies and meats and fish. I feel satisfied. And the fasting isn't a starvation session.... if I feel hungry because of training, I will eat. Please also keep in mind, that I do eat between the meals (posted in yesterday's note) if I am hungry. I will eat more fruit or veggies.... yesterday, I had carrots with hummus.... the difference is that I am not reaching for 'junk.' I am making the choices that will assist the achieving of my goals, not hinder them.

Last night, I was extra hungry. Who knows why? It was cold yesterday, I have been training hard, or something else. I had another serving of veggies. I felt satisfied.

So, I am off for my run. Today's goal... 3 miles.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


I have been fasting two meals periods a week, well... make that three.

I have been working on a get lean program as I am working on improving my fitness levels. My eating throughout the week is as follows:

Mondays: Meal, Meal-Replacement drink, low-carb meal
Tuesdays: Meal, Fruit Snacks, low-carb meal
Wednesdays: Meal, Fruit Smoothie, fast
Thursdays: Meal, Meal-Replacement Drink, Low-carb meal
Fridays: Meal, Fruit Snacks, off
Saturdays: off, off, off
Sundays: off, Fast, Fast

What does that mean???

a meal is a meal.... following sound eating principles. Eat to satisfaction, not over-stuffing, and balanced. (Keep in mind, I eat little to no pastas or breads, so this will be low-carb).

Meal replacement Drink-- is essentially a protein shake I make at home. I start with water or fruit juice, berries, kiwi, or other fruit, and whey protein. Drink it slowly, so I don't over stuff... and I enjoy.

Low-carb meal-- a meal: protein, veggies-- for example: chicken and broccoli. This would limit your grains.

Fruit snacks: fruit. Pretty simple. An orange, a grapefruit, an apple or other. Eat one piece, or several.

Fast: for that meal-time, i am fasting. Water. Water and more water.
(if i am hungry..... i will have a little fruit).

And off-- this is my 'free meals'-- so, after a sunday morning long run, i may desire pancakes. I can have these here. Or if I want wings, or some other 'bad' food... I can eat these in the Free section, without feeling guilt.

Remember the purpose of a 'free meal' is not to create guilt about the other meals. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for a guilt-free treat. That's all. It is not an invitation to eat the entire food stock. Sensible eating habits should still apply... eat to satisfaction, not stuffing.

If I am hungry during the day because of training, I eat fruit or even a garden salad. A new favorite is applesauce with some whey protein mixed in. I also enjoy pineapple.

I will weigh-in tomorrow morning. Let's see how this is helping!

It's coming together....

Today, I rode with my spin class. I have been feeling pretty awesome.

I noticed not only is my motivation up, but my ability. Perhaps, the two are entwined.... i am more motivated to perform, as my ability is improving.

Today, is the beginning of the new. Today, I am learning that I can make the changes.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


This morning, I ran 30-30s.

It is 30 seconds run (sprint); 30 seconds run (easy).

Warm-up with a 10 minute run.

Nine (9) repetitions of 30 -30s.

Finished with a 10 minute warm-down.

Kicked my butt.

BTW, I am down 2#.

Mostly Fruit and Vegetables

Yesterday, I consumed fresh fruit for breakfast, salad and steamed veggies for lunch, and steamed broccoli with left over beef in chinese sauces for dinner. I was satisfied.

Today, I feel good.

I am focusing on mostly fruits and veggies.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Drinking Calories

Don't get me wrong: I am not opposed to having a shake or some other treat.

Sometimes, we forget that those drinks/treats have calories.

I have been doing observations of self over the last several days, as I am making changes.

I have noticed that I am reaching for coffee or something else when I am hungry. And I am using the coffee to fill me up. I enjoy a cup of coffee; but I am seeing that it is replacing valuable calories and nutrients.

Today, I am making a conscientious effort to have water with me, and reach for the water when I feel hunger to ensure that it is really hunger I feel.

Daylight Savings

Bear with me as I adjust to the change of the clocks. I never understood this... AT ALL! It just makes winter more depressing, especially since it always seems dark. I understand that the days are shorter in the winter, but why do we have to magnify that?

So, I am pressing forward and challenging myself to use my wakeful time productively.

This morning, I read a book for leisure before I woke to tackle the day!

And when I got up, I felt like I had already accomplished something. I am not looking forward to the shorter days ahead and the cold that usually comes with it, or the terminal gray that descends on the sky. But I will take advantage of the sunshine, and enjoy being outside, even if it means wearing a jacket or a sweater.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Beginning with 40 minute run....

To create inertia, I began with a 40 minute run. The goal was to run the loop by the sea, and not worry about time, or distance. I left the toys or gadgets at home. I know I ran more than 2-miles, because I have tracked this before, but I was more concerned about a steady, continuous run than about how far I went.

I wore a hat. The sun was shining. The water looked blue and the far banks purple.

And I ran..... continuously. My feet were telling me I need a new pair of shoes.
And later today, I will sign up for the Newport Pell Bay Bridge run.... it is an inaugural run across the bridge. I will use it as a training run. I have FIVE weeks, to get ready, before my formal training for the Hyannis Half-Marathon begins.

I felt good.

Creating Inertia

An object at rest stays at rest, unless a force greater than the rest acts upon it. This is one of Newton's Laws of Motion. Lately, I have been that object at rest. Yes, I am getting up and moving and doing. But I have been resting.

I could provide a plethora of excuses that would make me feel better and look good on paper; but the truth is.... I have been lazy. Laziness begets laziness. And the results are seen in my physique, on the scale and in my attitude.

So, I need something to create inertia. Something to give me a kick in the pants. Something to get my body moving. Something to motivate. Because the results of my actions, clearly are not enough.

I need to re-work the 90% rule. Instead of 90% lazy; I only need to be 10%.