Friday, September 26, 2014

The newest member of the tribe

This is Jasper, the newest member of my tribe.

Adopted at the end of the summer, he has already captured my heart and terrorized the others, and given us a scare with a blockage. Poor guy has had surgery.

I love how the other boys have accepted him, and the bond he has with Nanuk.



Friday, September 5, 2014

Running Pain-Free

The last three days, I have run. And I have run pain free. No feet issues, or back or hamstring! For that matter. The run has been happy, well that might be a stretch...... It has been PAIN Free!

For the first time since my hamstring tear, I feel I can really push myself. It has taken two (plus) years to get to this point. I was not willing to give up the run, so I spent time on squats, lunges and other activities, skipping, jumping and hopping, rowing, swimming and cycling. I feel like I can finally chase down some of the goals that have been dancing in front of me.


And in that....... I looked somewhat critically of myself in the photo above. And then I exhaled.

One step at a time, one day at a time.... I will reach 165. That is the biggest goal.