This book is fascinating as it examines the reasons why food becomes a comfort. Granted, we need food to sustain life, and that in itself can provide comfort.
But for many, food is turned to for shelter, as a stress-reliever, or merely out of boredom.
Deepak Chopra discusses the underlying reasons for obesity..... Many of which surround a feeling of an imbalanced life. The title, 'What are you hungry for?' demonstrates that hunger may not be food. This hunger may stem from feelings of inadequacy or incompleteness. The spiritual aspect of our health is discussed. I found it interesting that it is recommended for the first thirty days, the person is to focus on life-balancing needs and not dieting needs. In fact, he says not to diet.
Granted many tools are provided regarding food, and tastes and textures. This provided valuable insights for me as I am seeking to find balance in my eating. I also became more aware of the balancing act of my plate, and where I 'need more' in my personal and professional life, so I can be 'happier'.
I enjoyed this book, from which I took many notes. I also gained comfort in knowing I don't need to obsess about everything I eat, and can create a comfortable awareness. I am also content with my plant-based diet, and the occasional meat.