Sunday, January 30, 2011

Here is the end of January....

What a month!!!!

I have begun my weekly journey to New Jersey from Massachusetts, for work and then return for play!! Still working out the kinks... but alas, I have 13 more weeks of this semester and one is spring break!!! LOL.... I am looking forward to the break, for so many reasons.

I am looking out my back window as I write this.... the yard is covered in snow.... and while I like snow, I am tired of the beating we have taken and how it is affecting my travels.

I am learning more about my resilience and my fortitude.... and I know great things are coming my way as I keep focused on the goals I have set before me.

Today, I ran 5k.... not much compared to the mileage I was putting in prior to the relocate, but I am pleased. The last couple of days I have felt achy, cranky and tired... and I was fighting a cold. I kicked the cold to the curb! and now, I feel strong and able to continue on my journey.... even if, I have to take a step backward to proceed forward.

I weighed in this morning.... month end totals: -5.6# and -1.4% body fat!
I have lost a total of 28.6# since I began this journey.

I am really happy and excited about this..... and I am looking forward to continuing my journey!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 14....

It is official..... I am down 3# in the new year!! And I feel great!

I have struggled this week with the snow, getting a run in.....
AND we know how I feel about running on a treadmill... don't do it!!! EVER!!!
I would rather climb stairs, row, bike, something.... instead of just plodding away on a treadmill.
Certainly there is a better way.....

(Granted, i have runners who flock to the treadmill..... ugh!)

This morning..... I went out to conquer an easy 6-mile run. AND I felt like I was conquered.
The run wasn't too bad.... once i got off the ice....
Although, i struggled with staying warm. I wasn't cold, but i wasn't warm either.....

And so it went. The result...... my run was slower overall, b/c i was struggling with the breathing necessary for the tempo. (My new motto-- run fast or WALK!)
When i wasn't able to maintain tempo.... I walked!!!

I have moved my equipment to the basement.... my rebounder, my jumprope, my kettle bell, etc.... would prefer the garage, but the garage has a car and a sailboat.... neither of which are mine.... LOL. So, i must do what I must do..... and until it warms up consistently and there is NO ice in the driveway, the basement it is.

My neighbors are in for a treat when it warms up and I start doing jumprope runs down the road...... Great tip! runners.... run with a jumprope... it straightens out the run!!!!

Well, tomorrow...... we shall see what tomorrow brings.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

DAY SIX of 2011......

An amazing feeling.......

waking in a house, where i can go in the kitchen and work without interruption at the breakfast table, looking out over the backyard into the woods. It is serene. While my life may be in a personal turmoil, I am content.

The last couple of weeks, I have found myself evaluating and determining what I really want and where I really want to go. Friends have walked in and out of my life in the last couple of weeks, and it is always eye-opening when someone shows you their true self. SHOCKING! But when they do, it is important that you pay attention, and I have.

AND to keep my focus, I have set some personal goals for the next three months. (through 6 April 2011).

These include:

-- creating and implementing a consistent resistance training protocol that I can do with the toys I have in my garage and basement-- including a rebounder, bosu ball, dumb bells, kettle bells, mini bands, and a jump rope. (there might be some others in my bag of tricks).

-- losing another 20#. (since the new year, I have lost 2.2# and I would like to crush my new target weight, which will bring me closer to my true racing weight).

--remind myself daily how amazing i am. In fact, i am going to journal my accomplishments in 2011, so they are not forgotten but are in turn used as motivators for more successes.

-- and continue to just enjoy each moment that I live.

I am excited about the possibilities of 2011.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

DAY TWO 2011:

And this morning....

I found myself on a 5.10 mile run.... I ran 1 mile warm-up, a 5k time trial and 1 mile warm-down.

My 5k-- not a pr, but two of the individual miles (the first two were pr's....the second faster than the first) and then I lost the tempo in the last 1.3 miles of the run..... AND overall, the experience was a positive one. A learning experience about going out hard..... A learning experience about pushing myself to the limit..... A learning experience about what I am capable of with a week off from training.

And then I enjoyed a cup of coffee on the way home....... and the long walk back.

AND..... I did a weigh-in on my return. While the weight (number on the scale) has not changed, my body fat has dropped 2%.

I am looking forward to upping my training tomorrow as this is going to be my best fitness year!!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome 2011......

Happy New Year!!!

This morning, I welcomed the new year with an easy run to get my bearings in my new geography. I hadn't run in a week (BOOOOOOOO!!!) because of drama related to the change in geography and the weather. And we all know I cannot stand running on a treadmill.

So, this morning...... I ran to dunkin donuts. There is one in town. It is about 6 km away.... and on my journey, I ran past the cranberry bogs, the bay, and through parts of the small town, which is now my home. (I walked back, enjoying my coffee and the scenery along the way).

I am excited about this new year in training. I am looking forward to the new challenges and the goals I want to tackle and hurdle. I am looking forward to new adventures both personally and professionally......

My goals for 2011 include:

-- living without regret. Just going out and doing it. Doing the best I can. Focusing on the task at hand with my complete and undivided attention and regardless of the outcome, knowing I worked hard at the challenge set before me.

-- learning to flow. Sometimes, I think to much. I worry about what has happened and what might be, and if I said the wrong thing or did I offend. I just need to live and flow.... to analyze less and just let it be.... and let love flow.

-- love more. Segueing in from the flow.... just to love. Let love flow through me.... And I receive love in return.


-- this is going to be my best fitness year EVER!!!

-- I am going to run 1500 km this year.... and i am going to race more frequently, and challenge myself in the competition. AND it is going to be fun....

The run has become my solitude... the place that I feel free-- (followed by swimming, cycling and kayaking).... AND I am going to see where the adventure takes me.

I look forward to sharing this year with you!
My calendar this morning said..... this is the opportunity for 'do-overs.' I have 365 new days to accomplish and be who and what I want to be. I am looking forward to the adventure.